Any dog mom like me, cringes at the thought of this very helpless feeling. Even though we love and trust our vet, Dr. Laura at Tucker Road Animal Hospital, we really don’t like to visit her for reasons like these.
Doodle and I are so worried about our Surf Dog Diaries senior reporter, Dude (my sweet son.)
He suffered an unknown head injury - the vet suspects snake bite, puncture or laceration. Last night, he had a lot of swelling - it responded well to antihistamines. But according to Dr. Laura, we want this to be "just a bite" or bump-related owie, not something more ominous.
Dude keeps rubbing and re-injuring himself. I wrapped him up with lots of sterile padding and gave him pain meds.
The Cone of Shame really adds insult to injury to my poor old boy. Clearly, he thinks that’s the worst of his problems. It just makes him so mad - that darned shameful thing – it catches on everything.
I remember when he lost an eye, twice, to glaucoma surgery. Blindness didn't phase him - but he was so dang mad about the cone.
Animal lovers - please pray for Dude, or meditate, or hug your dog - whatever you believe could help us. The next couple of days are critical. Dr. Laura said we want the swelling to reduce under new medications and not return, or worsen.
He’s one old Dude, and has overcome so much. He has a sweet old soul. He’s a bagel (basset/beagle,) a part time lap dog, part time pirate surf dog.
He’s a rescue dog, in every sense of the word. He has a strong survivor spirit – having overcome a rough start in life, glaucoma, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other health conditions. I hope and pray it's not the big C coming back. It won't be. We just won't let it.
Our dog/person family would really appreciate you keeping Dude in your thoughts.
Here's Dude, when he fell in love with the kids, and became unofficial Homecoming King at WA State School for the Blind.
It’s one more message from the universe- after losing Elvis and the oil train thing.
We were just out on the water a week ago - now this!
Remember: in a moment, everything can change.
Hug those you love. This moment is THE most important moment of all. Cherish this very moment and your loved ones in it.